Metal Recycling: What It Entails And Why It Is Essential

Metals are essential and versatile materials in the construction, manufacturing, and plumbing industries. You can reuse them over time without altering their properties. Metal recycling entails collecting and processing used metal products before reintroducing them into industries as raw materials. This process is essential as it positively impacts the economy and the environment. You can describe recyclable metals as ferrous or non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals are iron and steel, and they have a magnetic component. You can further categorize them as obsolete and prompt scrap metals. Obsolete come from used metal products, i.e., electronics and car parts, while prompt scrap metals are leftover pieces from manufacturers. Non-ferrous metals include zinc, nickel, brass, copper, and aluminum.  

Metal recycling process

The metal recycling process entails six primary steps. The first step is the collection of recyclable metals. Both individuals and businesses can sell their metals to scrap yards. Your delivery goes through a weigh-in station at the yard, and the attendant issues you a weight ticket to cash in. Knowing the price range and the amount of scrap a yard accepts before making your delivery is essential. Separation is the next stage, which entails sorting the metals according to their types and materials. This process ensures there's no cross-contamination by other metals. Major separation methods include magnets, electrical currents, spectrometers, and visual identification. The third step is preparation, which entails shredding, shearing, and assembling the metals into standard shapes and forms. It facilitates the transportation of the metal to mills and foundries where melting and purification occurs. Smelters carry out this fourth process. They heat the metal in large furnaces, removing impurities and enhancing its quality. The molten metal then moves to the solidifying stage. It goes through a cooling process over conveyor belts, hardens, and solidifies. During this stage, the metal takes new forms by being molded into different shapes and sizes. Finally, the metal is packed and transported to manufacturers to turn it into new products. 

Advantages of metal recycling 

It facilitates environmental conservation. Recycling metals reduces landfills, reducing pollution. This process also reduces the amount of greenhouse gasses, which are often produced by mining metal ores. Reducing mining activities prevents the depletion of these minerals and enhances the conservation of other natural resources, i.e., water. Metal recycling enhances energy conservation. This process takes less energy than mining and processing the ore to obtain metal. The reduction in energy consumption lowers companies' production costs. Metal recycling positively impacts the economy. Besides individuals earning from selling this metal, scrap yards and recycling industries offer people job opportunities. These industries also generate significant tax revenue annually. 

Final thoughts 

Metal recycling is a productive and essential process; it is eco-friendly, energy efficient, conserves natural resources, and improves the economy. Contact a local company like G & M Metal, Inc for more info. 
